Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bluebrain Special Event - 'Cakeblood' Boombox Performance

Yes, tape decks....remember those?  Grab one and join us for a special "performance". The thirty something-piece instrumental work ‘Cakeblood’ will occur at dusk on Thursday, September 24th on as many tape decks as are provided. Meet in Dupont Circle at 7:30 SHARP. Come with a portable cassette player, join us as we walk through the city during sundown and be a part of this one-time performance. Start scouring thrift stores now for a boombox!

(Your RSVP to our email address bluebrainmusic@gmail.com is VERY much appreciated...that way we know how many tapes to bring. Also, feel free to email us with any questions.)

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